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" .. Fear feeds on ignorance .. " (James Lovelock) XR/RisingUp!/CompassionateRevolutionLtd! Basics Here is a very rev...
On 31st March the BBC News TV channel enthusiastically announced the Commons Science and Technology Committee’s whitewash of the University...
It has been widely reported that on 30th January 2014 t he Prince of Wales branded climate change deniers the "headless chicken brigad...
"Another Hockey Stick Illusion??!!??" 1300-Year History of Atmosheric CO2 reconstructed: - using the density of pla...
Main Article Ap pendix A1 - XR and " Heading for Extinction" "Heading for Extinction (and what to do about it)...
INTRODUCTION On 15th November 2013 that staunch supporter of the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Climate Change (CACC) hypothesis, the Guard...
In my article “More Climate Change Propaganda in Australia .. ”on 15th April (Note 9) I talked about how Penny Wrong, the Australian Minist...