"Rising Sea Levels"???
2013-05-27: Footnote 1 updated with a comment from Dr. Nils Axel-Morner on St. Louis, Senegal.
Part 1 questioned whether Bloomsbury was motivated by altruism (not apparent) or by vested individual interest beyond the direct interests of the company itself (a possibility). Bloomsbury had reported falling profits for several years up to 2010, e.g. a 2008 report “Bloomsbury profit to fade without Harry Potter or JK Rowling” in the Sundy Times (http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/business/industries/media/article2176591.ece) suggests a reason for this. Bloomsbury was the subject of a degree of Master of Publishing project “Acquiring Knowledge: Bloomsbury’s Foray into the Academic and Online Markets” by Connor Barnsley B.A., Simon Fraser University, 2009, since when Bloomsbury has reported erratic performance (e.g. see http://www.digitallook.com/dl/news/story/20113283/E-book_surge_bolsters_Bloomsbury_profit.html and http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/mediatechnologyandtelecoms/9632697/Bloomsbury-profit-falls-with-sales-of-childrens-books.html).
In that same year 2008 McFarland too reported having difficult economic times. Could the interest in climate change by both Bloomsbury and McFarland be simply an attempt to jump on an UN-driven Catastrophic Anthropogenic Climate Change (CACC) gravy train? If so then they may have missed out. Although at that time the train was powering along the track following the IPCC’s scary Fourth Assessment Report in 2007 it has been experiencing serious engine trouble since 2009 following Climategate. As a consequence of that and subsequent IPCC-gate scandals it could to be heading off the rails completely.
Part 2 of this series focussed on a booklet “Rising Sea Levels” that McFarland had commissioned with a former US diplomat-turned writer. This booklet, which was published in 2012, was originally to be written by Hunt Janin and Ursula Carlson (a writing and literature teacher). The eventual authors were Hunt Janin and Scott Mandia, a physical sciences teacher and staunch supporter of the CACC hypothesis. It is noticeable that the list of people acknowledged for helping the authors (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Rising-Sea-Levels-Introduction-Impact/dp/0786459565) does not include sea-level expert Dr. Nils-Axel Morner, formerly head of Stockholm University’s Paleogeophysics and Geodynamics Department (http://www.mitosyfraudes.org/Calen7/MornerEng.html) - see Footnote 1 for more on Dr. Morner.
Scott Mandia studied Meteorology to MSc level at Pennsylvania State University (http://www2.sunysuffolk.edu/mandias/_Mandia%20CV.pdf) which may explain why he is such a fervent supporter of the CACC hypothesis. After all, Penn State’s Distinguished Professor of Meteorology is no less than Dr. Michael Mann (http://ploneprod.met.psu.edu/people/mem45) of “Hockey Stick” fame (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Illusion-Climategate-Corruption-Science-Independent/dp/1906768358) – see Footnote 2 for more on Dr. Mann..
Scott Mandia is also “ .. Co-founder and current manager .. ” of the Climate Science Legal Defense Fund (www.climatesciencedefensefund.org) and “ .. Co-founder and current matchmaker .. ” of the Climate Science Rapid Response Team (www.climaterapidresponse.org). Dr. Judith Curry wrote an interesting commentary about that latter organisation and quoted Scott Mandia “ .. After reading that book, I became a climate change evangelist .. ”. Dr. Curry commented that “ .. Scott Mandia’s statements that i cited clearly smack of activism, and of something much more than improving scientific understanding .. ” (http://judithcurry.com/2010/11/24/engaging-the-public-on-the-climate-change-issue/#comment-14632).
Scott Mandia admits to being a climate change evangelist, i.e. he defends or maintains the CACC cause, therefore his pronouncements on CACC cannot be relied upon as being sound science. His co-author Hunt Janin acknowledged knowing virtually nothing about the issue of rising sea levels and trolled the Internet collecting information for his booklet. On that basis it is easy to imagine the message the booklet attempts to promulgate. It is simply another of many CACC propaganda booklets published in support of the politicised science promoted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for reasons far removed from taking over Nature's job of controlling the different global climates (see "Rio+20 Fiasco - but Beware the Club of Rome and Agenda 21" - http://globalpoliticalshenanigans.blogspot.co.uk/2012/06/rio20-fiasco-but-beware-agenda-21.html).
On the other hand, sea level expert Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner said recently “ .. With very great pleasure did I consume the paper by Faezeh et al. (2013) .. After a careful study of four major marine-terminating outlet glaciers, collectively draining 22% of the Greenland Ice Sheet, they were able to estimate the annual dynamic losses at volumes corresponding to a mean global sea level rise of 0.01–0.06 mm per year. In 100 years this would only give a sea level rise on 1-6 mm, which is insignificant. By applying a hypothetical future warming or 2.8 oC they increase this value to 19–30 mm rise by year 2200 (or about 9-15 mm by year 2100). Even this value is so low that it poses no threat what so ever to humanity .. ” (http://globalpoliticalshenanigans.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/consequences-of-greenland-ice-melt.html).
In his 6th Dec. 2012 Science and Public Policy Institute publication "Sea Level is not Rising" Dr. Morner concludes " .. Observational facts indicate that sea level is by no means rapidly rising. It is quite stable. This is the case in key sites like the Maldives, Bangladesh, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Saint Paul Island, Qatar, French Guyana, Venice, and northwest Europe .. I hope that by this research we can free the world from the artificial crisis to which the IPCC has condemned it. There will be no extensive or disastrous global sea-level rise in the near future. That was the main threat in the IPCC’s arsenal of bugaboos, and now it is gone .. " (http://scienceandpublicpolicy.org/images/stories/papers/reprint/sea_level_not_rising.pdf).
Unlike Scott Mandia, Dr. Mörner is not a climate change evangelist trying to indoctrinate community college students with his own opinions on the CACC hypothesisis. Dr. Morner is a highly respected scientist internationally recognised for his expertise regarding sea level research who was President of the INQUA Commission on Sea Level Changes and Coastal Evolution from 1999-2003.
Unlike Scott Mandia, Dr. Mörner is not a climate change evangelist trying to indoctrinate community college students with his own opinions on the CACC hypothesisis. Dr. Morner is a highly respected scientist internationally recognised for his expertise regarding sea level research who was President of the INQUA Commission on Sea Level Changes and Coastal Evolution from 1999-2003.
1) Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner was interviewed by Gregory Murphy on 6th June 2007 for EIR. " .. Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner is the head of the Paleogeophysics and Geodynamics department at Stockholm University in Sweden. He is past president (1999-2003) of the INQUA Commission on Sea Level Changes and Coastal Evolution, and leader of the Maldives Sea Level Project. Dr. Mörner has been studying the sea level and its effects on coastal areas for some 35 years. (http://www.climatechangefacts.info/ClimateChangeDocuments/NilsAxelMornerinterview.pdf)
In his 30th July 2003 paper "SEA LEVEL CHANGES: OBSERVATIONS VERSUS MODELS" presented at the XVI INQUA Congress Dr. Morner said " .. According to the glacial loading models, global sea level is now rising by 2.4 mm/year or 1.8 mm/year. The IPCC models have hypothesised of a very rapid rise in the near future, ranging for original wild estimates of 1-3 m in a century to the presently advocated value of 47 +37 mm in a century. The INQUA Commission on Sea Level Changes and Coastal Evolution .. hosts the true world specialists on sea level research. This commission has presented an observationally based analysis of the present sea level changes and the changes to be expected in the next century. Both the glacial loading models and the ICPP scenarios are strongly contradicted by observational data for the last 100-150 years that cannot have exceeded a mean rate of 1.0-1.1 mm/year. In the last 300 years, sea level has been oscillation close to the present with peak rates in the period 1890-1930. Sea level fell between 1930 and 1950. The late 20th century lacks any sign of acceleration. Satellite altimetry indicates virtually no changes in the last decade. Therefore, observationally based predictions of future sea level in the year 2100 will give a value of +10 +10 cm (or +5 +15 cm), by this discarding model out-puts by IPCC as well as global loading models. In conclusions, there are firm observationally based reasons to free the world from the condemnation to become extensively flooded in the 21st century AD .. " (https://gsa.confex.com/gsa/inqu/finalprogram/abstract_54461.htm).
On 27th May 2013 this comment by Dr. Morner was forwarded by Rev. Philip Foster ( at one time proposed as Principia Scientific International's "Compliance Officer" - see Section 3.8 of "SpotlightON - PSI and PSI Acumen Ltd - http://globalpoliticalshenanigans.blogspot.co.uk/2012/06/spotlighton-principia-scientific.html) QUOTE: ..
Bad planning – no sea level rise
behind “drowning” of St. Louis, Senegal
Comments by Nils-Axel Mörner
In the text, we learn that “the city is plagued by flooding during the rainy season when the river overflows”. This implies that the flooding has nothing to do with a rising sea level.
Further in the text, we read: “In 2003, heavy rain in the drainage basin of the Senegal River alarmed the authorities who feared the water would rise above critical levels and so dug a new outlet for the river water across the spit. The channel was about 100 metres (328 feet) in length and 4 metres wide but grew rapidly in the first days as the sea flooded into the river mouth and continued to widen to more than 2 kilometres across today”.
So it was the digging of a new channel that altered the conditions and initiated the erosion and flooding into the river. This is bad planning and has nothing to do with “climate change”.
It is a convenient way, however, of transferring the blame on the builder to the blame of climate change – and so they think, they are free of guilt.
Convenient maybe, but neither honest nor ethical.
This is a side of the “climate change” issue that unfortunately has become increasingly common.
2) Dr. Mann wrote a glowing review of the Janin/Mandia booklet QUOTE: .. "if you’re looking for a comprehensive discussion of one of the most pressing issues on the planet...the threat of global sea level rise...then this is the book for you." -- Michael E. Mann, Penn State University, Nobel Peace Prize winner .. UNQUOTE (http://mcfarlandbooks.com/book-2.php?id=978-0-7864-5956-8).
It appears that Dr. Mann was NOT a “Nobel Peace Prize winner”. “ .. The prize was awarded to the IPCC as an organization, and not to any individual associated with the IPCC. Thus it is incorrect to refer to any IPCC official, or scientist who worked on IPCC reports, as a Nobel laureate or Nobel Prize winner .. ” (http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/nobel/Nobel_statement_final.pdf). That the same misleading claim was made on the inside of the front cover of Dr. Mann’s own book “The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars” (http://www.meteo.psu.edu/holocene/public_html/Mann/books/hockeystick/images/Mann_flyer.pdf).
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